Friday, May 17, 2013

The inevitable choice

Whenever we are faced with obstacles there is always a choice before us. No matter how much we feel as though we have hit a wall and cannot go any further, there is a choice. The choice is there whether we believe its there or not. It is unavoidable. And by ignoring that choice and acting as though we are utterly and completely stuck, we consequently made a choice. By not choosing, we choose not to act. Not acting is the act of doing nothing. Therefore still an action. And so still a choice.
This choice that is before us, this inevitable choice, is the crossroad to success and happiness and defeat and misery. The intersection, where depending on which choice you make, will determine your quality of life. 
So what is this choice?
Watch this video and find out:

And so there it is. The choice. It doesn't have a name. There isn't words that wholly describe what it is. Only you know what it really is. Only you know the true meaning.
So next time you've hit a wall, when you feel as if there is no where else to go, where every direction you look there seems to be no alternative, always remember.
The choice.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this. I'm glad I stopped to take 10 minutes to read and watch this video. It was a good choice.

  2. Thank you Tim :) I'm glad you you watched it. It really speaks to you inside. Where most of our internal decisions are made without us really being aware of it.
